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Hillary Back
Oct 10, 20243 min read
Architectural Design: Beyond Aesthetics to Social Equity
Today, architectural design can be a powerful tool for improving the well-being of all communities and addressing social inequities.

Hillary Back
Oct 2, 20243 min read
Embracing Nature: Unveiling the Benefits of Biophilic Design
In a world characterized by urban sprawl and technological advancements, there is an increasing disconnect from the natural environment....

Hillary Back
Oct 2, 20245 min read
The Future of Sustainable Architecture: Building for a Greener Tomorrow
In a world grappling with the consequences of climate change and environmental degradation, sustainable architecture has emerged as a...

Scott MacKenzie
Feb 12, 20243 min read
Vulnerable Coastlines in a Warming World: Designing Structures to Withstand the New Reality
Climate change is having significant impacts on coastlines around the world and the coast of New England is no exception. Rising sea...

Scott MacKenzie
Jan 29, 20244 min read
Creating Elder-Friendly Homes: A Necessity in an Aging Society
As the Baby Boomer generation gracefully transitions into their golden years, there is a pressing need to adapt our living spaces to...

Scott MacKenzie
Jan 15, 20243 min read
Preparing for a Warmer Future: The Remarkable Benefits of Passive Home Design
Extreme weather from heat waves to record rainfall and flooding are becoming the norm across Massachusetts. As climate change continues...
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